Export of Logins from SQL-2000 to SQL 2005

  • What is the best way to export logins from sql-2000 and import them in to sql 2005.

    I have tried to bcp master..dbo.sysusers out logins.bcp -E and it does not work.

    i have also tried exec xp_cmdshell 'bcp syslogins out Logins.txt -N -U"user" -P"password"'

    i get this error

    CTLIB Message: - L6/O8/S5/N3/5/0:

    ct_connect(): directory service layer: internal directory control layer error: Requested server name not found.

    Establishing connection failed.




  • Have you tried the instructions at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246133?

    In essence, you'll create the two procedures in this article then execute sp_help_revlogin_2000_to_2005 and it will export the list of logins w/ sids to run on the new server.


  • cheers that worked

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