Executing Variable

  • I have a stored procedure that queries data on a linked server that is designated by the location selected.  Below is an example of my query.

    create proc dbo.testproc(@location varchar(10))


    declare @server varchar(30)

    select @server = servername from servers where location = @location

    exec('select * from openquery(' + @server + ',''select * from testtable'')')


    My question is does reporting services support this type of procedure.  I can run it and get results from the data designer.  But I can't get it to work for the report.  Does anyone know if it will work, and if not what I can do?



  • Mght be a security problem. Whatever SQL user the report is using to run then query needs to exist and have permissions on the table on the source server.

    Kindest Regards,


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