Execute Sybase Stored Procedure

  • Does anyone know of an example of executing a Sybase stored procedure from DTS?


    I need to process a lot of data in an Excel spreadsheet and then send the data to Sybase and have it run a stored procedure.

    I can use DTS to bring in data and process it.  I have a ODBC DSN for Sybase already.  Is there an example of executing a Sybase stored procedure from DTS?





    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • I'd imagine it's like calling any other stored procedure/query from another datasource.  Create an other ODBC conniction via your Sybase ODBC driver.

    Then create an execute SQL Task and tyep in the sytax to call your Sybase SP just like you normally would using the Sybase client Windows isql.exe app.

    The ODBC driver should send those commands through to your Sybase db and all should be well.

    If you run into problems you may want to look at the post from Peter Yang here.

    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • Thank you!!

    That points me in the right direction and gets me started.  I appreciate that!




    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • Thank you!!

    That points me in the right direction and gets me started.  I appreciate that!




    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

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