Execute SSIS generates error "create_execution has too many arguments specified.

  • We recently upgraded our Dev server to SQL 2019.  Since upgrading, whenever we run an SSIS package from the catalog we get an error "Msg 8144, Level 16, State 2, Procedure SSISDB.catalog.create_execution, Line 0 [Batch Start Line 0]

    Procedure or function create_execution has too many arguments specified."

    I scripted out the execution in our 2019 Dev environment and compared that to a script from our 2016 Dev environment (where everything works).  The difference is the 2019 script includes setting of the @runinscaleout parameter.  If I comment out the setting of that parameter, the execution runs fine.

    Does anyone know how to stop SQL Server from thinking that it needs to set that parameter when executing a package?

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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