Excel Pivot Table Drill down from Cube - no measures

  • I cannot seem to edit the subject, but it should be:

    Excel Pivot Table Drill THROUGH from cube - no DIMENSIONS

    I have a cube I access from Excel 2010. I used to be able to double click on a count field (measure with value of 1, to sum for count) and when doing so, the drill through to details would include all measures and dimensions for the cube.

    I recently made changes where I changed the display names and display folders of the dimension and measures (no longer just says "values"), so I could group fields more easily. Now, when I click on the count field in my pivot table I no longer get any dimension information except the keys from the dimensions, and then I only get the remaining measures associated to the count I clicked on.

    Does anyone know where I broke the join of displaying measures and dimension data together in the drill through capabilities?

  • Looks like I forgot that under the cube editor, under the actions tab, under Action target, under Measure Group members, I needed to re-select the measure group members needed. The rename did not seem to propagate as needed to all places in the cube definition.

  • To add to that, I had hidden a duplicate field that was still in the definition of the drill through action. I needed to disable a different, still existing field, deploy, and re-enable the field in the drill through, then re-deploy. Everything is now back up as needed for drill through.

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