Excel Destination Data Flow Component

  • I am working on a SSIS package where I need to load the data into a Excel spreadsheet. I need to create multiple sheets within the workbook. Right now my data is sitting in multiple derived column transformation components.

    The purpose of this SSIS package is to compare two employee data lists and then send any differences between the lists to our publisher. I need to create one sheet for updates, new accounts, and deleted accounts. And then another sheet for the entire list that will contain unchanged data plus the changed data (considered the master list).

    Can I link the derived columns to the excel destination component?

    I am using Excel 2003. I setup the Excel spreadsheet with the sheets and column headings. However, I can't get the data from the derived column. Plus one of the columns is employee id and I get a "Column 'EmployeeID' cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types."

    I have not been able to find any good examples as to how I can setup and use the excel destination component.

    Thanks for your help.

  • My problem was I am working in 64-bit. There are no MDAC drivers for the 64-bit architecture. Therefore I can't refer to Excel or Access. To get this component to work I had to set the Run64BitRuntime to False in the Debugging page. This sets all packages inside the project to run in 32-bit mode when debugging.

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