Event Handlers Not working

  • I have a simple data flow task in my package and want to implement a OnError even handler on the DFT. In event handler I have only one execute sql task to insert a record in temp table.

    My event handler never never never neever get executed... I tried all options from MSDN forums...

    Now I am only concerned about any installation problems...

    I am using Visual Studio 2008 , .Net Framework3.5 SP1

    SQL server 2008

    Please help... 🙁

  • Are there errors in the data flow so that the event handler should be executed?

    Are there any errors related to the event handler?

    Is the DisableEventHandlers property of the DFT set to False?

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • There are no errors in the data flow.

    DisableEventHandlers property of DFT is set to false.

    How do i find errors related to event handler? Rather I think, this is where I need help from.

  • me_always (1/13/2011)

    There are no errors in the data flow.

    DisableEventHandlers property of DFT is set to false.

    How do i find errors related to event handler? Rather I think, this is where I need help from.

    So you create an event handler for the data flow that will fire OnError.

    The data flow doesn't have any errors.

    And you are surprised the event handler doesn't fire?

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • I mean there arent any validation errors in my package.

  • Got the answer..

    I was executing my data flow task by right clicking..

    When I run the entire package, event handler works..

    Thanks everyone for help.

  • me_always (1/16/2011)

    Got the answer..

    I was executing my data flow task by right clicking..

    When I run the entire package, event handler works..

    Thanks everyone for help.

    Glad that you found the solution!

    But for the future, those things, such as executing task only by right clicking, are worth mentioning in the original question.

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at https://sqlkover.com.
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Sure thing..

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