Error while processing the cube

  • Hi

    I'm getting errors while processing the cube....its givin me some key error....

    Actually i've divided my dimension into 2 smaller dimensions(using named query)....n they both have the same relations with the facts(5 facts tables) .

    Error :

    Errors in the OLAP storage engine:

    The attribute key cannot be found when processing:

    Table: 'EffortVarianceFact', Column: 'ItemKey', Value: '7'.

    The attribute is 'Item Key'. Errors in the OLAP storage engine:

    The record was skipped because the attribute key was not found.

    Attribute: Item Key of Dimension: Defect Dimension from Database: ITEMOLAP, Cube:

    ITEMOLAP, Measure Group: Effort Variance Fact, Partition: Effort Variance Fact,

    Record: 1. Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The process operation ended because the number

    of errors encountered during processing reached the defined limit of allowable errors for the operation.

    Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while processing the 'Effort Variance Fact'

    partition of the 'Effort Variance Fact' measure group for the 'ITEMOLAP' cube from the ITEMOLAP database.

    Plz help....


  • hi make sure you have all the references data in you Dim table or that you are not missing any key colums in your fact table that cannot join to you dim table.

  • Hi

    I have all the keys and the reference data...its like i've divided the dim table data wise not the column wise...

    bt still m getting the error....

  • In my past experinces i've always found this to be an issues with the data , so if i were you i'd check your data. For a cube to build you need to have all the dim tables set up correctly so any data in yous fact table join to a key in the dim table need to exists if not they will break the cube

  • When I have problems like this, I start by reprocessing the dimension. Then I'll run the fact table query and identify records with the missing key. Then I'll run the query for the dimension table and make sure it's there too. I've had trouble when processing the cube against the dev environment instead of test and such before, as well as had dimensions that we're completely populated.

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