Error: The multi-part identifier "dbo.Items.ItemNumber" could not be bound.

  • This is the data source for an dropdown list. I need to have a hyphen "-" in the first record of the dropdown list.

    When I added this complex ORDER BY, I got the error "The multi-part identifier "dbo.Items.ItemNumber" could not be bound".

    How can I keep the ORDER BY and still have the first record be a "-"


    ALTER PROC [dbo].[procGetItemNumbersForProject]

    @ProjectID int


    SELECT '-' AS [Value]


    SELECT dbo.Items.ItemNumber

    FROM dbo.Items INNER JOIN

    dbo.Components ON dbo.Items.ItemID = dbo.Components.ItemID

    WHERE (ProjectID = @ProjectID)

    AND (ItemNumber IS NOT NULL) AND (RTRIM(ItemNumber) <> '')

    ORDER BY --ItemNumber

    Replace (dbo.Items.ItemNumber,

    ( SELECT (Left( SubString (dbo.Items.[ItemNumber], PatIndex( '%[0-9]%' , dbo.Items.[ItemNumber]), 10 ),

    PatIndex( '%[^0-9]%' , SubString (dbo.Items.[ItemNumber], PatIndex( '%[0-9]%' , dbo.Items.[ItemNumber]), 10 ) + 'X' )- 1 ))), -- string to find

    (SELECT Format( cast (Left(SubString ( dbo.Items.[ItemNumber] , PatIndex ('%[0-9]%' , dbo.Items.[ItemNumber]), 10 ),

    PatIndex( '%[^0-9]%' , SubString (dbo.Items.[ItemNumber], PatIndex( '%[0-9]%' , dbo.Items.[ItemNumber]), 10 ) + 'X' )- 1 ) as int ), '00000' ))) -- replacement for found

  • TBIG (4/8/2015)

    This is the data source for an dropdown list. I need to have a hyphen "-" in the first record of the dropdown list.

    When I added this complex ORDER BY, I got the error "The multi-part identifier "dbo.Items.ItemNumber" could not be bound".

    How can I keep the ORDER BY and still have the first record be a "-"


    ALTER PROC [dbo].[procGetItemNumbersForProject]

    @ProjectID int


    SELECT '-' AS [Value]


    SELECT dbo.Items.ItemNumber

    FROM dbo.Items INNER JOIN

    dbo.Components ON dbo.Items.ItemID = dbo.Components.ItemID

    WHERE (ProjectID = @ProjectID)

    AND (ItemNumber IS NOT NULL) AND (RTRIM(ItemNumber) <> '')

    ORDER BY --ItemNumber

    Replace (dbo.Items.ItemNumber,

    ( SELECT (Left( SubString (dbo.Items.[ItemNumber], PatIndex( '%[0-9]%' , dbo.Items.[ItemNumber]), 10 ),

    PatIndex( '%[^0-9]%' , SubString (dbo.Items.[ItemNumber], PatIndex( '%[0-9]%' , dbo.Items.[ItemNumber]), 10 ) + 'X' )- 1 ))), -- string to find

    (SELECT Format( cast (Left(SubString ( dbo.Items.[ItemNumber] , PatIndex ('%[0-9]%' , dbo.Items.[ItemNumber]), 10 ),

    PatIndex( '%[^0-9]%' , SubString (dbo.Items.[ItemNumber], PatIndex( '%[0-9]%' , dbo.Items.[ItemNumber]), 10 ) + 'X' )- 1 ) as int ), '00000' ))) -- replacement for found

    you could use a cte or derived table. you would need to ensure that '-' is always at the top of your order based on the types possible values returned by itemnumber by changing your order by clause accordingly.

    ALTER PROC [dbo].[procGetItemNumbersForProject]

    @ProjectID int


    with cte as


    SELECT '-' AS ItemNumber


    SELECT dbo.Items.ItemNumber

    FROM dbo.Items INNER JOIN

    dbo.Components ON dbo.Items.ItemID = dbo.Components.ItemID

    WHERE (ProjectID = @ProjectID)

    AND (ItemNumber IS NOT NULL) AND (RTRIM(ItemNumber)<>'')


    SELECT ItemNumber from cte a

    ORDER BY --ItemNumber

    Replace (a.ItemNumber,

    ( SELECT (Left( SubString (a.[ItemNumber], PatIndex( '%[0-9]%' , a.[ItemNumber]), 10 ),

    PatIndex( '%[^0-9]%' , SubString (a.[ItemNumber], PatIndex( '%[0-9]%' , a.[ItemNumber]), 10 ) + 'X' )- 1 ))), -- string to find

    (SELECT Format( cast (Left(SubString ( a.[ItemNumber] , PatIndex ('%[0-9]%' , a.[ItemNumber]), 10 ),

    PatIndex( '%[^0-9]%' , SubString (a.[ItemNumber], PatIndex( '%[0-9]%' , a.[ItemNumber]), 10 ) + 'X' )- 1 ) as int ), '00000' ))) -- replacement for found

  • Thank so much, peacesells

    Wonderful solution 😀

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