Error managing in T-SQL when 2 different errors are fired

  • Hi all,

    I hope you can help me with my problem.

    I try to manage errors that might happen during a backup process. Almost everything works fine except when 2 error messages are fired by SQLServer at the same time.

    For example: A BACKUP LOG on a database with RECOVERY MODEL set to SIMPLE fires 2 different error messages, which is correct. The first one is ERROR_ID 4280 which gives informations about the recovery model. The second one is ERROR_ID 3013 which states that the backup terminated abnormally. That's all fine, except that @@error only traps the second message. The same when using the TRY ... CATCH blocks; only the error id 3013 is detected.

    As SSMS traps both error messages when producing the error without error management, I was wondering if the same could be done using T-SQL.

    Any help will be much appreciated.


  • I cannot think of how you could know programmatically in T-SQL that the first one's a popular topic right now though. Here is a related thread:

    As a side note if catching both were a hard requirement and you were able to called this from .NET you could catch both.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks for your answer opc.three!

    it's only enhancement as the routine won't run often and crash even less.

    Although too bad it is not possible to do it with T-SQL ...

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