Error log

  • Hello dear frndz,

    I m monitoring my SQL Server in error log i got this error message,

    ‘Database snapshot 'Database_name' has failed an IO operation and is marked suspect. It must be dropped and recreated.’

    Source spid69


    Error: 3420, Severity: 21, State: 1.

    I am not able to understand this issue, i search this db in object explorer its not showing, i run the 'sys.database' its showing status online, while i run the 'sp_helpdb dbname' it showing other db name. Can anybody please help me out.

    Thanks in advance.


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    Learning is a path with no destination...

  • Have you run DBCC CHECKDB on the database?

    The following article may be of use to you as it has specific reference to your error.

    Let me know how you get on.

  • If the database has a snapshot created against it, you would need to drop & recreate it.

  • I used DBCC CHECKDB command with the db name its working fine.

    while i m runing the sp_helpdb dbname (for knowing the physical address of the particular db) in first query result its showing the that db name, but in second query result with log file its showing other db name.

    And this db name also not showing on 'object explorer' in db list.

    What it is exactly, i m not understand what happen with my db.

    Please tell me the possible solution for this.

    [font="Times New Roman"]

    Learning is a path with no destination...

  • I'm confused....

    The secondary result set returned from sp_helpdb 'DBName' returns details of the data files and has no reference to any database objects.

    The 'name' column of the secondary data set refers to the name (not the same as the filename necessarilly) assigned to the file.

    The object you are looking for is not a database but rather a 'Database Snapshot'. I suggest you read up on the following Books Online article in order to develop an understanding of the concepts at work here.

    Snapshots should reside within the 'Databases > Database Snapshots' folder of Object Explorer.


  • Something happened in your i/o system and it rendered the copy-on-write a failure in the snapshot. When SQL detects an issue, it tends to just whack the snapshot. It doesn't keep that information around to retry.

    Are there other entries in the log?

    Any windows log entries with IO issues? Is the snapshot on a different drive?

  • One more thing i checked now its not showing that db on the physical location of all the db's.

    but while i m running dbcc checkdb its runing fine.

    So it mean i want to restore the backup of this db or wht to do?

    Please suggest me.

    [font="Times New Roman"]

    Learning is a path with no destination...

  • we have same issue, it happens sometimes because the disk which snapshot files resides becomes full. there are case that we have plenty of space again it is marked suspect. we are searching for a solution.


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