Error in table on null values

  • I have a table with a field that has to be displayed as a short date format  I'm using


    The problem is that null is a valid value for the field, which of course causes an error for the date function.  Is there any way to use an if statement in the expression to display a blank if the field value is null?

    What I'm looking for is something similar to excel's if(expression, trueval, falseval) construct if such a thing exists.

  • Try the following!!!

    =IIF(Fields!Margin.Value IS Nothing,"",Fields!completedDate.Value.toShortDateString)

    Hope this helps!


  • Thanks for the reply!  It put me on the right track for solving it -- though I ended up using the iif on the format rather than the expression itself.

    =IIF (Fields!completedDate.Value IS Nothing, "White", "Black")


    The other wouldn't work since it evaluates both the true and false expressions no matter what and still gave an error.  I even tried nesting iif's and had no luck -- the formatting solved the issue though.

  • To handle displaying the null value, you would need to write a function in the report code to handle it, and then use the function to provide the value for the field to display. Something like:

    Public Function DisplayGuid(value As Guid) As String

     If Guid.Equals(value,Guid.Empty) Then

      Return ""


      Return value.ToString()

     End If

    End Function

    Which I had to use to show GUID values where some of them might be null...GUIDs present their own display problems, too.

  • Martha

    All you need to use is


    and then set the Format property of that cell to


    which corresponds to Short date. For more info, search Reporting Services BOL for "Formatting Text".

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