error in getting performance monitor counters

  • I keep getting an error that windows performance monitor could not obtain counters (none of them) when I setup a performance monitor counter log file (capturing data of counters in a log file)using a windows 2000 professional client.

    Basically, the job that obtains the counters into a log file cannot start, and error message in the application error log is that it could not obtain the counter.

    The environment is as follows:

    - windows performance monitor run in a windows 2000 professional client, LOGGED IN with an account that belongs to the ADMINISTRATORS group of the sql server (described below).

    - the sql server that is the source of the performance monitor counters is a CLUSTERED sql server 7.0 SP3 with an OS of NT 4.0 SP6

    I believe the problem is on NT security.

    Can anyone please help?

    Thank you.

  • Bob,

    could you list some of the counters you're using - it may be that the ones you need aren't enabled by default eg Network Segment:Network Utilisation requires the installation of Network Monitor Agent.

    Paul Ibison

    Paul Ibison

  • Paul,

    The counters are basic counters like Processor %, buffer cache hit ratio, processor queue length, etc.



    could you list some of the counters you're using - it may be that the ones you need aren't enabled by default eg Network Segment:Network Utilisation requires the installation of Network Monitor Agent.

    Paul Ibison

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