Error executing procedure that gives Space Aloc/Used/Free...

  • Hello,

    I've created one sp (with your help) to give me the, Total Space Used, Total Space Alocated and Total Free Space in one SQL Server 2K5 Instance.

    This procedure is working very well in all other instances that i've created. The only difference from this instance to all other is that this named instance has a lot of file groups and the space alocated is beside 2TB

    I send attached the file with the code of the sp (sp_GetSpaceAUX.txt) and the file were the error and the expected result appears after i execute the procedure sp_GetSpace (ErrorAUX.txt)

    Hope that you can help me

    Thanks and regards,

    JMSM 😉

  • Towards the end of your stored procedure there is a statement:

    "select @@servername as 'InstName', sum(a.size) as 'Space Aloc (mb)', sum(a.used) as 'Space Used (mb)', sum(a.size)-sum(a.used) as 'Free Space (mb)'

    from AuxSpaceTable"

    somehow the table being refered to as "a" was taken out. Replace it with this statement and it should work:

    "select @@servername as 'InstName', sum(a.size) as 'Space Aloc (mb)', sum(a.used) as 'Space Used (mb)', sum(a.size)-sum(a.used) as 'Free Space (mb)'

    from AuxSpaceTable a"



  • At first glance I see this, but it doesnt match your error message

    select @@servername as 'InstName', sum(a.size) as 'Space Aloc (mb)', sum(a.used) as 'Space Used (mb)', sum(a.size)-sum(a.used) as 'Free Space (mb)'

    from AuxSpaceTable

    if you use a.size, you should alias your AuxSpaceTable with a. How does it bind the column to AuxSpaceTable in your instances that this executes sucessfully in?

  • I executed the code (in SQL 2008) and the message I got refered to it as a.size, etc instead of the previous error. It maybe a version dependent thing? I didn't try it in 2000 or 2005 to see if it might be different. After adding the "a" it worked fine. Please post back to this if you are still having issues.



  • Hi there, the error was mine.

    The sp that i send you is not the correct one ,i've attached the one that is good and where the query is fine. (sp_GetSpaceAUX-Correct.txt)

    select @@servername as 'InstName', sum(size) as 'Space Aloc (mb)', sum(used) as 'Space Used (mb)', sum(size)-sum(used) as 'Free Space (mb)'

    from AuxSpaceTable

    Sorry :crying:

    Thanks and regards,

    JMSM 😉

  • Change

    insert into AuxSpaceTable select name,size,used,logsize,logspaceused from #dbs1;


    insert into AuxSpaceTable select name,Size,Used,LogSize,LogSpaceUsed from #dbs1;

    You hit a case sensitive server.

    For your reference, you can verify with what your server collation is set to from here

  • Thanks a lot Jamie.

    You were completely right.

    I've tell a lot of times to Gila Monster that hope one day can help her as she helps me and now i must tell you the same thing.

    Thanks a lot every body.

    Regards 😉

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