Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.

  • Hi All,

    I have an Error :Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.


    t_trn_loan = t1

    t_trn_loan_lqr_extension = t2


    System ID = Sorce_system data type char8 in t1

    Source System Product Code= char_cust_element4 data type char 20 in t1

    gross gl balance(IN Actual Currency)= outstanding_amount data type Decimal SN(38)vN(8) in t2

    My Requirement:

    The Product data is grouped by System ID and Source System Product Code to calculate the

    sum of Gross GL Balance in Actual Currency for respective Reporting date.

    And find the cumulative value of the Gross GL Balance in Actual Currency between the current reporting

    day and the previous reporting day

    I codded like this

    Select t_trn_loan.[source_system],t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.[char_cust_element4],

    COUNT(t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.outstanding_amount) AS Gross_GL_Balance

    FROM t_trn_loan_lqr_extension INNER JOIN t_trn_loan ON

    t_trn_loan.[source_system] = t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.[outstanding_amount]

    GROUP BY t_trn_loan.[source_system],t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.[char_cust_element4]

    What can i do...Plz any one guide me?

    Adv Thanks,

  • bhargava.sumansiram (7/1/2011)

    Hi All,

    I have an Error :Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.


    t_trn_loan = t1

    t_trn_loan_lqr_extension = t2


    System ID = Sorce_system data type char8 in t1

    Source System Product Code= char_cust_element4 data type char 20 in t1

    gross gl balance(IN Actual Currency)= outstanding_amount data type Decimal SN(38)vN(8) in t2

    My Requirement:

    The Product data is grouped by System ID and Source System Product Code to calculate the

    sum of Gross GL Balance in Actual Currency for respective Reporting date.

    And find the cumulative value of the Gross GL Balance in Actual Currency between the current reporting

    day and the previous reporting day

    I codded like this

    Select t_trn_loan.[source_system],t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.[char_cust_element4],

    COUNT(t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.outstanding_amount) AS Gross_GL_Balance

    FROM t_trn_loan_lqr_extension INNER JOIN t_trn_loan ON

    t_trn_loan.[source_system] = t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.[outstanding_amount]GROUP BY t_trn_loan.[source_system],t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.[char_cust_element4]

    What can i do...Plz any one guide me?

    Adv Thanks,

    What you are trying to do?

    The joining columns are diffrent data types thas why you are getting error.

    If you want you can convert it, But really What you are going to achive to join the char and decimal?

    Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy

  • Tks for ur responce muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy

    but my requirement is to calculate the gross gl balance....

    Is there any possiable way 2 get by conveting plz update the quary and post me......

  • bhargava.sumansiram (7/1/2011)

    Tks for ur responce muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy

    but my requirement is to calculate the gross gl balance....

    Is there any possiable way 2 get by conveting plz update the quary and post me......

    Hey its simple use the cast and convert to varchar(20) outstanding_amount.

    But really i'm not understanding your requirement.

    How are you going to mach the char value to decimal ?

    (like) muthu=99.99

    you can convert but you can't get the results becaue of inner join. Inner join only returns the matched records from both the tables.

    No prob just repalce join contidition to

    ON t_trn_loan.[source_system] =t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.[outstanding_amount]


    ON t_trn_loan.[source_system] = cast(t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.[outstanding_amount] as varchar(20))

    Edit:to add more

    Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy

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  • I changed the quary like this...

    SELECT t_trn_loan.source_system,t_trn_loan.char_cust_element4,t_trn_loan.customer_nr,t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.outstanding_amount,

    DATEADD(s,0,DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(d,0,getdate()),0)) as Current_reporting_date

    FROM t_trn_loan

    INNER JOIN t_trn_loan_lqr_extension

    ON t_trn_loan.deal_id=t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.deal_id

    order BY t_trn_loan.source_system

    Now the problem is to calculate the Sum of outstanding_amount

  • table_1 table_2

    Sorce_system char_cust_element4 outstanding amount

    TUB RETAIL -54644.24000000

    TUB RETAIL 17112.90000000

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Really itz Very helpfull.....

    Tkq stewartc-708166

    In this same quary how can i get current reporting data field & previous repoorting date field........

    I made few changes like this :

    SELECT t_trn_loan.source_system as system_ID,t_trn_loan.char_cust_element4 as Source_System_Product_Code,


    SUM(t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.outstanding_amount) AS Gross_GL_Balance

    FROM t_trn_loan

    INNER JOIN t_trn_loan_lqr_extension

    ON t_trn_loan.deal_id=t_trn_loan_lqr_extension.deal_id

    GROUP BY t_trn_loan.source_system,t_trn_loan.char_cust_element4,t_trn_loan.last_modified

    Plz guide me hw ca i calculate the current reporting data field & previous repoorting date field

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