Error after creating the drop down report parameter with concatenation.

  • I need to create a report parameter drop down which should have first and last name concatenated.

    *******Main SQL Query************







    FROM Table1

    I have DataSet already created which has all the fields from this query. I tried creating a calculated field in the DataSet, but dint work.

    I also tried creating a separate DataSet by creating the below query -

    Select FirstName, lastName, convert(varchar(50),FirstName) + ' ' + convert(varchar(50),lastName) as FullName from Table2

    I can see the Concatenation result in a drop down but I get this below error, this error occured only after I created the new data set with concatenation query.

    An error occurred during local report processing.

    The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a contract mismatch, a premature session shutdown or an internal server error.

    How do I go about to remove the error and create the filter??

  • I was able to remove the error now.

    My Query for second Dataset [FullName] is as follows -

    select Distinct FirstName + ' ' + lastName AS FullName

    from table2

    It might have caused because of convert(varchar(50)) in my previous query.

  • How to apply the parameter in the first dataset???

    This is what I tried.








    FROM Table1 a

    ----------) AS Entity

    WHERE Entity.FirstName + ' ' + lastName = @FullNameParam

    When I created this query. "Define Query Parameters" window was displaying for the @FullNameParam.

    I removed a "Order By" from the original query but still no data was showing in the table.

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