Error: 15457 after SP1 installation

  • Hello,

    after SP1 installation on SQL2k I can´t view properties of SQL server and Apps log contains this:

    Error: 15457, Severity: 0, State: 1

    Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 1 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    After running RECONFIGURE nothing has changed. I didn´t find this error in any Technet...

    Does anybody know, how to solve this problem?


  • can you run sp_configure and get results?

    Steve Jones

  • Yes, I can

  • Unless Steve has a better idea, I'd reboot first, see if that helps. If that fails, try uninstall/reinstall the sp. Have you looked in the error log?


  • I tried install/uninstall several times. Nothing has changed.

  • Well, at a certain point it doesn't matter about the problem, only getting it fixed. I'd suggest uninstall, then manually remove all remaining files/folders associated plus clean out the registry keys, then try one more time. If you still can't resolve, either spring for the bucks to call MS support or just reformat. Sounds silly, but Im in favor of reformatting once in a while anyway, cleans up all the left over legacy stuff you acquire from installing/uninstalling stuff.


  • Try the following (treat this like a REGEDIT hack as this can be dangerous)

    sp_configure 'allow updates', 1




    Then try it again (set this back to 0 only if this works)

    If that does not work run the following:

    /* Config 518 is Show Advanced Options in sysconfigures table */

    UPDATE sysconfigures

    SET value = 0

    WHERE config = 518




    Then imediately run the following:

    sp_configure 'allow updates', 0




    Try it again, you may need to reboot.

    Edited by - aplack on 10/12/2001 9:35:54 PM

  • hey, just to add to this topic, I am experiencing the exact same problem (same error log generated, can't get into properties, etc...) on a test system that has been setup just to play with SQL. It took me a while to find some mention of it.

    Just to keep everything straight, the system is W2K Server, SP2 plus a few security hotfixes for IIS, then SQL 2000 Standard Edition. I have no problem with accessing properties, etc. pre-SP1 but immedately after applying the SP the symptoms appear.

    No amount of rebooting helps.

    Weird. Good luck on finding an answer (your not alone!). Let us know if the fix mentioned by aplack worked for you, I'm going to try it in a day or two when I get a moment.


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