enhancing sql command

  • -- There is obviously a TZ issue here. This was posted after the next 2... Sorry if it gets confusing.

    On the contrary - when dealing with large data sets, a little experimentation can give surprising payoffs. After the above, I would suggest replacing the DISTINCT with a GROUP BY in an 'onion' SELECT...

    SELECT COUNT(t.TypesCount) As TypesCount, t.CallsType

    FROM (

    SELECT RecordedCalls.ID As TypesCount, RecordedCalls.CallType as CallsType


    GROUP BY RecordedCalls.CallType, RecordedCalls.ID

    ) t

    GROUP BY t.CallsType

    A further 'skin' could be added to this 'onion' - if you look at OP's code, there's another query selecting from the result of the first query. The fact that results are coming back in about a minute from a table of a billion rows, or 100 million, or 10 million (whichever it is!) indicates that any useful indexes are most likely already in place.

    I can't say for sure that running two group by's is any different than the distinct, but I am not going to say that it isn't possible it performs well in some cases.

    As for removing the Left outer join. I agree. There is no benefit.

    However, based upon what the OP has stated so far about the wide range of possible combinations in the where clause, I don't see significant improvements in the long run.

    I would still like to see an explain plan, DDL and histograms to get a better feel for the data layout.

    I would love to be proven wrong, but I still feel that getting a significant decrease in this query will have to be done via hardware (or re-write of the app that is feeding this call), not SQL!

  • Bob Fazio (3/5/2008)

    The more I look at this, there is almost nothing that you are going to be able to do to help this query. The only suggestion I have for you is

    an index

    Create index xxx on RecordedCalls(CallType,ID)

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(RecordedCalls.ID)) As TypesCount,RecordedCalls.CallType as CallsType


    group by RecordedCalls.CallType

    That's about the only thing that you can count on being useful since this is obviously a dynamically generated query.

    On the contrary - when dealing with large data sets, a little experimentation can give surprising payoffs. After the above, I would suggest replacing the DISTINCT with a GROUP BY in an 'onion' SELECT...

    SELECT COUNT(t.TypesCount) As TypesCount, t.CallsType

    FROM (

    SELECT RecordedCalls.ID As TypesCount, RecordedCalls.CallType as CallsType


    GROUP BY RecordedCalls.CallType, RecordedCalls.ID

    ) t

    GROUP BY t.CallsType

    A further 'skin' could be added to this 'onion' - if you look at OP's code, there's another query selecting from the result of the first query. The fact that results are coming back in about a minute from a table of a billion rows, or 100 million, or 10 million (whichever it is!) indicates that any useful indexes are most likely already in place.

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

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  • What you can do is loose the left join.

    No columns of these objects are actualy used in the result.

    and the left contains a nested innerjoin, so this will not effect your




    INNER JOIN RecordedCallsTags

    ON Tags.ID = RecordedCallsTags.TagID

    ON RecordedCalls.ID = RecordedCallsTags.CallID



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  • As the previous posters have said, you need to provide more information (DDL, sample data or at least row count in each table, complete SP) to receive any reasonable help.

    You have indicated your query (or at least the filters) is dynamically built by the results of executing another SP, yet the sample provide shows no indication of such activity as you select columns from a single table, and the where clause contains columns from the same table. This indicates that the other table joins are unnecessary, unless they are being used to limit the result set, but based on the table names (I read a lot into these things sometimes) I would suspect that is not the aim as that would mean integrity issues.

    If you need to potentially utilise the other tables with clauses not provided, use better dynamic sql, or have different queries that can be executed depending on the population of the return values from the prior SP.

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