enabled job vs enabled schedule

  • Thanks for all the explaination and feedback.  It got me mad because he brought it up during an all project meeting and argued it with in front of everyone ... wasted my time and everyone elses.

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  • You should email the answer to everyone in the meeting,. I'm sure there are many people wanting to know the final answer ....... plus then they'll know that he is a blathering fool, and he'll think twice before trying to make you look like a fool in front of others.

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  • Disabling a job in SQL Server only means that the SQLServer Agent will not run it automatically. But we can fire the job from many other ways, such as manually and using a stored procedure.

  • Disabling a job in SQL Server only means that the SQLServer Agent will not run it automatically. But we can fire the job from many other ways, such as manually and using a stored procedure.

  • I have a client who is running SQL Server 2005 and we are trying to disable/enable SQL jobs using a SQL stored procedure.

    I have two play jobs that just send me an email every five minutes.

    IF @Severity=0


    update msdb.dbo.sysjobs

    set enabled=@EnableIRMSjobs

    where name='JDN_BRD_Play'

    SET @Severity=@@ERROR


    This will enable or disable the job based on the value of @EnableIRMSjobs variable.

    However, I keep receiving emails every five minutes. 🙁

    So, I disabled the job schedule:

    update SS

    set enabled=@EnableIRMSjobs

    from msdb.dbo.sysjobs J

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules S

    on J.job_id = S.job_id

    inner join msdb.dbo.sysschedules SS

    on SS.schedule_id = S.schedule_id

    where j.name='JDN_BRD_Play'

    This disables the job schedule. Both the job and the schedule are disabled as determined by looking at sysjobs.enabled and sysschedules.enabled and by looking within the GUI interface,

    yet I keep receiving emails every five minutes, even though both the job and schedule have been disabled for over an hour. And the View Job History shows the job keeps running every five minutes successfully.

    Any ideas?

    Before I experienced this I would have have agreed that the coworker who complained about the recurring jobs was crazy, but now...maybe I am just crazy too.


  • Found possible answer in:


    Lynn Pettis (4/20/2010)

    The reason I was asking is i had a similar problem when I would failover our mirror databases. The code that was enabling/disabling the database specific jobs wasn't "working". Where the jobs were being disabled, they kept working and where the were being enabled they would run.

    I had to modify my code to use the sp_update_job stored procedure in the msdb database. Turns out that SQL Server Agent caches the information and this stored procedure forces a notification to SQL Server Agent.

    I will check if using the sp_update_job stored procedure solves the problem.

  • Yes, sp_update_job solved the problem because it flushes the SQL Server Agent cache.

    exec @Severity=[msdb].[dbo].[sp_update_job] @job_name='JDN_BRD_Play 2', @enabled=@EnableIRMSjobs

    It also solved the problem that was the initial symptom of the problem in that when jobs were re-enabled, it did not reset the Schedule with the next time it should run during the day, but waited until the next start of the schedule period to run. But the flush of the cache also reset the schedule correctly.

    Thanks Lynn for all your help (both on this issue and all the other responses on other questions).


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