Embed Chart

  • I have a bunch of user data that needs to be aggregated and organized in a custom way that I have to do it in SQL. I display this aggregated data in a table, but I also need to display a chart/graph for each of these rows.

    I need to have a chart for each row and I need it to pull its own dataset and the charts will be repeated since I need to display a chart for each customer and each customer's sub-settings.

    I'm a bit lost.

    Thanks 🙂

  • Actually, I should find out if I can do it the "correct' way first.

    Is there a way of do this kind of aggregate using expressions and groupings in SSRS 2005:

    count(distinct case when bAtAbove = 1 then m.iuserid end)

    I need this functionality if I want to use SSRS to do my calculations for me, which would then solve my chart issue.

    Thanks again 🙂

  • Hi bcronce,

    Please try to following statement = CountDistinct(iif(Fields!bAtAbove.Value = 1, Fields!iuserid.Value, nothing), "group_name")

    Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,


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