Email not firing

  • It is in IIS. You can take a look by starting IIS and then right click on Default SMTP Virtual Server, then Properties.

    Go to Access Tab and click on Authentication.

  • Network guys said - We have not installed SMTP on those servers. If you need to relay messages you just point it to the mail server to relay off of it. You do not need SMTP installed on a server to do this. The relay should be configured as The relay is configured to allow relay from all three SQL servers anonymously.

    So now how does the underlying protocols work ...confused a little.

  • Final question before calling guys in blue 🙂

    What is the Agent account? Is it domain account? Local System Account?

  • SQL Agent account is domain\account

    Well the network guys said they checked DNS just now and viola the email just fired on its own i had given up for the day I saw the 3 pm one come in and was noway it working now what changed.

    Gosh i see what happens at 4 pm. I don't get it nothing changed on my end and all of sudden it fires.

    I am not understanding the logic it DNS or SQL

  • On SMTP configuration you are using a fully qualified domain name.

    That is exactly why personally I always prefer to have a local SMTP running on the SQL server. Besides everything else it gives YOU a better debugging options.

    BTW, ask your network guys to check their Event log on the machine where they are running a "central" SMTP server. It should have errors you were looking for 🙂

  • If unsent on my end i guess it not left to go to SMTP server ? or would there still be some kind of errors on the SMTP ....

  • From MS page: "A status of unsent indicates that the Database Mail external program has not yet processed the e-mail message."

    If database mail configuration would be wrong - you would get your SQL log error messages.

    If your SMTP server would be configured locally - you would still see error messages in your local event log.

    When database mail is sending SMTP mail - it is simply dropping a message in the Mailroot\Pickup virtual folder.

    SMTP should pick a message from there and place it in to the Queue folder and then either in Mailbox or BadMail folder.

    When your message is sitting in Queue folder, your status in database set to "unsent" and errors are generated on the SMTP server.

    P.S. I still think that your Network guys are not telling you all truth 🙂

  • Thinking over here - job fires email - then i take it at this stage it sends packet to SMTP and some kind of acknowlegement and then handshakes (forgive the lame terms).

    If guess if it cannot handshake it then puts the unsent into the queue.

    So is there a way to capture the initial output to the smtp server - i guess this is packet sniffing or write a telnet test and append to procedure to try and identify where it fails over

    Kind of in dark playing a guessing game but would like to know for sure.

    Just a thought.....

  • We don;t have any of the mailroot bits that would easy to figure out cause i see the mail in the badmail queue - what we have is mail relay so no SMTP service or IIS setup ...

    So im assuming it just uses the 25 port.....

    Wish i was network guru but i don't take no for a reason i want my mail to fire not in piece mail or some days it works ....

    I get there - this is fun part investigating.

  • 1. telnet 25

    2. set local_echo

    3. helo (response OK 250)

    4. mail from: (response 250 OK)

    5. rcpt to:

    6. data

    7. To:



    8. quit

  • You do have SMTP service configured on your Exchange server.

    Otherwise database mail wouldn't work.

  • yes exchange server .....

  • So if anyone is watching this thread put in MS call but after a week of just looking around nothing could be found...then viola it starts working - all jobs were hanging, emails were not firing, nothing could be ran from a job. Now without any changes it all works.

    Don't you love these problems that just magically work on their own and after i paid for a MS call and got no fix .

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