
  • can I send DTS pkg through Email.

    or How can I physically move DTS pkg to different location, is it possible?

  • Hello Reddy,

    You can save the DTS package to a file and then copy over the file to your required location. Open the DTS package from SQL Enterprise Manager DTS designer and save it to the local server.

    That's all... make sure the login is having the required permissions to execute the DTS pacakge.



  • what type of file I can save? and how can i do it?

  • Saving a DTS Packadge to a file in SQL 2000

    Open EM

    Got to the DTS packadge that you what to save, open the packadge.

    Select Package and the Save as... select Structured storage file from the Location dropdown.

    Specify your file and your away.

    Loading a DTS Packadge from a file in SQL 2000

    Expand the tree view in EM so that you can see Databases, Data transformation Services etc.

    Righ click in the left pane on Data transformation Services and select Open Packadge select you file and your done.

    Lukas Botha

  • Structured Stored File

  • Just for info you can save the package in the same way but directly to another SQL server as well.  Just put 'SQL Server' as the location and type the server name in where you want it to go.

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