Dynamically create stored procedures in a database using stored procedure in second database

  • I have recently created a code generator which needed to generate 4 Stored Procedures in the destination database.

    After finding little success searching online, I ended up working it out myself and I thought I would share my results to save others in a similar situation.

    My problem was that I needed to create four stored procedures on each table in the destination DB. These were add, delete, get individual record and get collection. I had created the SQL text dynamically and I had the database name which I then needed to pass into a new stored procedure which would then generate my new stored procedures.

    This was my result. It may not be the best solution, but it was the first one which worked for me.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_StoredProcedures_Build]

    @SQLString nvarchar(MAX),

    @Database nvarchar(100)



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    declare @SQLBuildString nvarchar(MAX)

    declare @ConCat nvarchar(150)

    Set @SQLBuildString = N''+@SQLString;

    Set @ConCat = @Database+'.dbo.sp_executesql'

    execute @ConCat @SQLBuildString


  • What exactly is your question? :unsure:

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  • Two reasons for submitting:

    1. This solution worked for me. Was this the best solution to the problem?

    2. Looking online, I could not find a solution. The code and following discussion may help others in the community.


  • Tony,

    It's a good solution because it gets you past the problem of not being able to use a db-qualified procedure name in the CREATE PROCEDURE Statement. I'm not sure why you do an execute at one level and EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL at another level.

    You would do well to post this over in the scripts section.

    Thanks for sharing.



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    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thank you, Tony

    This is exactly the codes that I need but couldn't figure it out by myself.  I did a workaround codes but your one worked amazingly well.


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