Dynamic query on db table names

  • I have query which is used to dynamically insert value but not working.

    we are trying to get all table names and insert dynamically to all tables by looping through table names.

    declare @a varchar(max),@i int;

    declare @table table(rno int, name varchar(max))

    declare @b-2 varchar(max)

    insert into @table

    select row_number() over( order by table_name) rno, table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables

    declare @tblname varchar(max)

    declare @cnt int

    set @cnt=(select count(1) from @table)

    while (@i<=@cnt)


    set @tblname=(select name from @table where rno=@i)

    set @b-2= 'insert into'+' '+ @tblname+ ' '+ 'select * from '+' '+ @tblname

    set @i=@i+1


    execute sp_sqlexec @b-2

  • You need to debug this sql using standard techniques. I suggest that the first thing you do is find out what the value of @i is in your while loop.

    Then find out if @tblname is being populated, then think about what your @b-2 sql is really going to do

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