dynamic Order by

  • Hi ,

    I am trying dynamic order by using Case statement in Order by clause.


    declare @sortorder int

    select UserID,dbo.getUserName(UserID) as 'UserName'

    from User

    order by

    case when @sortorder = 1 then UserID desc,

    case when @sortorder = 2 then 'UserName' desc

    it does not sort when i pass @sororder =2, but the same query return desired result if i use like

    select UserID,dbo.getUserName(UserID) as 'UserName'

    from User

    order by 'UserName' desc


    select UserID,dbo.getUserName(UserID) as 'UserName'

    from User

    order by

    case when @sortorder = 1 then UserID desc,

    case when @sortorder = 2 then dbo.getUserName(UserID) desc

    I am a bit confused that why I am getting this dynamic behavior.

    Please suggest.........

    Thanks in advance...............

  • Try removing the quotes from around UserName, both in the order by and the select statement.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi GilaMonster,

    I tried it after removing the single quotes but now I am getting error

    "Invalid column Name UserName".


  • Wrap it in Cte

    with cteUsers(UserId,UserName)



    select UserID,dbo.getUserName(UserID) as 'UserName'

    from User


    Select UserId,UserName

    from cteUsers

    order by

    case when @sortorder = 1 then UserId end desc,

    case when @sortorder = 2 then UserName end desc

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Post the revised query?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Try this:

    select UserID,dbo.getUserName(UserID) as 'UserName'

    from User

    order by

    (case when @sortorder = 1 then UserID

    when @sortorder = 2 then dbo.getUserName(UserID) END) desc

  • i've just tried JTSs example.

    it works to a degree. but for some reason you cant do the case in the order by clause with different datatypes?

    i tried

    select id,firstname,surname from footballers

    order by (case when @sort = 1 then ID

    when @sort = 2 then surname end)

    now when @sort = 2 it says

    'conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Torres' to data type int.

    if @sort = 1 then it works fine.

  • Yes, I missed that. When I tested it, I used two varchar columns. I suppose that you could wrap a CAST around the UserID like this

    select UserID, dbo.getUserName(UserID) as 'UserName'

    from User

    order by

    (case when @sortorder = 1 then CAST(UserID AS varchar(50))

    when @sortorder = 2 then dbo.getUserName(UserID) END) desc

    This should work (I haven't tested it) although I can't say that it's the best way of doing what you want.

  • of course. just cast the id. why didn't i think of that? 😀

  • I just realized that there shouldn't be quotes around Username:

    select UserID, dbo.getUserName(UserID) as UserName

    from User

    order by

    (case when @sortorder = 1 then CAST(UserID AS varchar(50))

    when @sortorder = 2 then dbo.getUserName(UserID) END) desc

    I would also suggest to the OP to not use a scalar function to get the user name if possible. It really hits the performance of the query.

  • I don't think that just casting the UserID to varchar will work, because in this way UserID '2' will become before UserID '11', when sorted desc. You have to properly align the result of the cast, i.e.

    right(replicate(' ', 10) + CAST(UserID AS varchar(10)), 10)

    Here's my test script. Play with it.

    --create table [User]

    --( UserID int identity primary key )

    --/* Repeat at least 11 times */

    --insert into [User] default values

    declare @sortorder int

    select @sortorder = 2;


    UserID, cast(UserID as varchar(10)) as UserName



    order by

    case @sortorder

    when 1 then right(replicate(' ', 10) + CAST(UserID AS varchar(10)), 10)

    when 2 then cast(UserID as varchar(10))

    end desc


  • I think the topic is diverted 🙂

    To avoid the casting we can use multiple case in order by which i do


    when @sortorder = 1 then UserID END Asc,

    when @sortorder 2 then UserName end desc

    But I think when we use CASE in order by then the Alias does not work in that.

    Please tell me if anyone have any direct solution because I dont want to hit the performance, and dont want to use CTE too.

  • AJ (8/26/2009)

    Please tell me if anyone have any direct solution because I dont want to hit the performance, and dont want to use CTE too.

    Why Dont you want to use a CTE ?. It provides the solution you need. BTW This sort of query can have a very negative impact on performance , as it makes it impossible for the optimizer to pick an optimal route under all scenarios.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Dave,

    I am already using CTE to generate the RowID as per the Order by column passesd. For which I am using the Dynamic Order By.

    As per my requirement I have to implement a logic in which user will pass the PageIndex, pagesize and Order by column and I have to return the No.Of records = PageSize and they must be in order of Order by column and the records will be as per the page index like if page index = 2 and page size =20 and Order by column = UserName then query will fetch the 20 records whose RowID will be from 21-40 and the RowID will be generated on Order By Column.

    So for this I am already using the CTE so now again I think I cant use it.

  • !

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