Dynamic export to dbaseIII

  • Hi,

    I try to create many dbase III tables in a dynamic dts package. The problem is ,that in any table any column name I create begins with an X and ends with an _. Can anybody help me?


  • Can you explain a bit more about what you are currently doing, and what you have tried?

    Some things to look at are the Dynamic Properties task (if you are using SQL 2000) and how you can loop through tasks,



    Phill Carter

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I have a database with ~15.000 tables. Sometimes I need to export some (~1.000) of these table with a special name ('A0%' or so) to dbase. A manual export is very difficult to handle.

    So I wrote a package with to following steps:

    1. Select tablename to export from systables (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name LIKE 'A0%')

    2. For each tablename I get I select the columns with the datatype from the systables

    3. In an ActiveX-Task I create a CREATE TABLE statement from this data to create the dbase table

    4. In the same ActiveX-Task I set the properties to an Transformation-Task

    5. Execute the transformation

    6. Repeat step 2 until no tablenames left

    This package works very good and performant. But the dbase files I get, have columnnames that begins with a 'X' and ends with a '_'.

    I try to manual execute a CREATE TABLE statement to an dbase connection, but the result ist the same.

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