DTS with end file in Excell

  • I built a DTS whitin 25 queries to manipulate the data and the result table goes to an excel file

    everything works fine at the first time, if I run it again it will duplicates all the rows on the excel


    how do I clean it up before load the new results??

    thanks in advance

  • You are in luck, in that dts treats excel as it would a table (well, very nearly).

    Before you start the transformation, add a sql task with the following code.

    DROP TABLE [Worksheetname$]


    CREATE TABLE [Worksheetname$] (

    [col1] nvarchar (50) NULL,

    [Platform] nvarchar (50) NULL


    Get the picture? You just need to replace the Worksheetname with your worksheet and the column names.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • I did and nothing happen:

    DROP TABLE [New Table]


    CREATE TABLE [New Table] (

    [STD VIN] VarChar (17) ,

    VIC VarChar (10) ,

    MODELYEAR VarChar (4) ,

    MAKE VarChar (17) ,

    MODEL VarChar (26) ,

    BODYSTYLE VarChar (35) ,




    PERMILEADJ Decimal (28,6) ,




    still the results keep growing and growing


  • Jonathan is correct. Do you have the connection set to the Excel connection object?


    Michael Lee

  • Use temporary tables for setting up your data muniplulation needs and the final selection should be directed to your Excel Object File for output.


    Coach James

  • Sometimes you will find that dts remembers the last time that it ran and uses that row as the startting point even though it has cleared out the spreadsheet. This code will help by looking for an empty column/row and then assume that everything after it is empty, so it deletes it. I do this by sorting the data first to make sure the empty rows are at the bottom

    Just change a few of the hard coded parameters as stated in my code:


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    Dim sFileName

    Dim i


    '********************************save the excel ******************************

    Dim excelapp

    Dim wkb

    Dim objRange

    Dim oSheet

    Set excelapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    excelapp.visible = false

    excelapp.displayalerts = false

    Set wkb = excelapp.Workbooks.Open(sFileName) ' reference workbook

    Set oSheet = wkb.Worksheets("YOURWORKSHEETNAME") ' reference worksheet 1 PUTTING YOUR WORKSHEET NAME HERE

    wkb.Worksheets("YOURWORKSHEETNAME").select ' focus on worksheet

    '*************ORDER BY THE FIRST COLUMN****************

    Set objRange = oSheet.Range("A:AA") ' Sort by column A - EXTEND THE RANGE IF REQUIRED

    objRange.Sort objRange,1,,,,,,1

    '*************DELETE ALL EMPTY ROWS****************

    '++++++ The trick here is to find out the last row with data in it. As the sheet is sorted ascending, we know as soon as a we see a blank that that is the end of

    ' the spreadsheet. We then want to delete an entire range onwards because deleting one row at a time is very, very slow within dts. ++++++++

    i = 1

    While i < 65536

    If oSheet.Range("A"&i).value = "" Then ' ASSUME ROW IS EMPTY IF THIS COLUMN IS EMPTY


    i = 65537

    End If

    i = i + 1




    '------------ Destroy open objects

    Set objRange = nothing

    Set wkb = nothing


    Set excelapp = nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

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