DTS Question regarding Excel installation

  • Might seem like a silly question, but there is a dts package exporting data from a table to test.xls file. This runs fine when run manually.

    Excel is not installed on the server, when I schedule it as a job it fails, I have checked the account sql server agent runs under, it has all the relevant permission but still fails.

    Q. Does excel have to me installed, (it runs fine manually which is throwing me a bit)

  • No Excel does not have to be installed on the server..Plse post the error message 


  • This is the error message when the job is run

    error string:unspecified error

    error source: Microsoft Jet Database Engine

    help file:

    help context:500000

    error detail records: error -2147467259 (800004005);provider error 0(0)

    error string:unspecified error

    error source: Microsoft Jet Database Engine

    The step failed


  • No wonder you never posted the error message "unspecified error" Sorry I do not have a clue....


  • HRm, though you're error message doesn't indicate this to be the problem - is the path to the test.xls file relative to the server?  For example, if the test.xls resides on a department share and the logged in user has an R: drive mapped to that share, the server doesn't have a mapped R: drive and thus can't find the file.  Again, this doesn't sound like the problem though. 


    When you say "run manually", do you mean "run from my desktop manually though enterprise manager" - or do you mean "run from the server, (either physically AT the server, or Terminal Serviced to it) running enterprise manager on the server"? 


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