DTS Question - Copying Files

  • I didnt see anything for DTS, so I figured I would post it here...

    Here is what I need. I have my DB server and Web server sitting on different machines. I need to create a DTS job that will import an Access database off of the web server into the database, and I am unsure about how to do that...can anyone help?



  • Michael,

    Are you going to import all tables from Access into your SQL Server database? or your imprt tables will reside in a different database?

    In any event, go to the database you are going to import your Access table to, expand the database, right click on the Tables icon and select import data.

    Whe this happens, the DTS wizard will ask you for the source you are gatting this data from, select MS Access database. From then on, follow the wizard.

    Be aware that it could be some differences between your Access db and the tables in SQL Server. Ypou will probably will have to go back and make some changes, but all your data will be in SQL using the DTS wiaard.

    Just remember to back up everything before you start in case anything happens you can go back to the way everything is now(I learned the hard way with my first project a few years back) Good luck!

  • Here is the error I get when I try to run the DTS job


    Error string:  The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file

    '\\abc123\d$\mdb\WVL2000Mike.mdb'.  It is already opened exclusively by

    another user, or you need permission to view its data.      Error

    source:  Microsoft JET Database Engine      Help file:...  Process Exit

    Code 7.  The step failed.

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