DTS package not inserting data into table....

  • I have a DTS package defined to insert records into a table. I call this dts package through a stored procedure and I have a nonsysadmin user run this procedure. Everytime, I run it as a sysadmin user, then the table gets updated with the new set of records. When the nonsysadmin user does that, she can't re-insert the new records into the table. I've defined this user in the master library as well as the database, so that we can use the xp_cmdshell tool.

    Any explanation would be greatful.

  • Does the package return any messages? Do you have pacakge logging enabled? If so, what messages are in the log?

    The problem could be permissions. Does the nonsysadmin user have insert permission on the table?


  • I tried turning on the packaging logging but when I would run the package, everything would look just fine in the tool. When I had the nonsysadmin user would run the tool, it would not log anything to the file.

    Also, I did make sure this user had write privileges to the table.

    Basically, what's going on is that we have an excel file that is being read and when I make changes to one cell and run the package as a sysadmin, I notice the changes in the table, but when I run the tool as a nonsysadmin and make changes to the cell, the changes do not occur. I tried clearing out the table and re-writing to the table. Any suggestions are welcomed.

  • I agree that it is a permissions issue. It could be the level of privileges and permissions of the nonsysadmin that is preventing the update to the table. May require multiple settings.

  • Try to grant permission on the folder where the excel file is located also uncheck read only option on the folder.

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