DTS Migration Wizard Error

  • Hi guys, I have to do some migration from sql server 2k to sql server 2k5 but when I use the dts migration wizard I get an error which is the one above. I have crawling the web but with no luck :unsure:

    Any ideas? hope you guys can help me. Thanks in advance.

    TITLE: DTS Migration Wizard Error


    Exception of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.MigrationWizard.HelperUtility.DTSMWException' was thrown.

    Click Abort to stop the migration of the current package.

    Click Retry to retry the operation.

    Click Skip to skip the migration of the current task and continue with the next task.







  • so maybe this is a mistery in SSIS? :w00t: lol suggestions???

  • HEllo, I am doing Migration Too. never had problem of these type. However, there are some task that will never get migrated, so bettr is skip and run the wizard. and later manually apply the task that are missing in SSIS.

    Only few packages get migrated close to 90 %.

    Some tasks taht are in DTS will not get migrated


  • Yeah that is what I have been doing since I couldn't get around this migration wizard error, but no I have found myself with another problem which is using temporary tables from SSIS. My sql command creates and uses some temporary tables but when I try to put these command into my OLE DB Source in SSIS I get an error saying that it can't find my temporary tables :unsure: do you know if there is a way of using temporary tables in SSIS?

    Thanks for answering.

  • are you doing migration from SMO or from Business Inteligence studio. AS suggested, run the migration wizard for the migration. if you have Dynamic prperties in Dts it won't be migrated to SSIS. In that case you have to create different configuration for that package.

    also what the scope of the package..is it for data load from flat file to server?

    Also check for your service pack of SQL 2005.

    hope this helps

  • I don't have any dinamic property in my dts and I am using SQL Server 2k5 version 9.00.1399 yeah which means I do not have a SP on my server 🙁 I am using a developer edition, do you think this could be an issue?

    And the tasks it couldn't migrate were just simple data transfer tasks. Like selecting from a table and exporting it to a flat file, or viceversa.

    Thanks again for the response.

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