DTS logins

  • Hi,

    Does anyone know how to get list of DTS packages on a SQL server along with login information.

    Thank You


  • What login information do you look for?

    Check sysdtspackages table in MSDB.

  • I want to know all logins used for servers which are there in the DTS.

    checked sysdtspackages...doesn't help much.

  • The package is stored in sysdtspackages as a binary object. What you'll need to do is,

    a) manually open each package and check the required properties. (got some time to waste haven't you ?)

    b) use vbscript to open each package and read the properties for you. Have a look the script I posted here,http://www.sqlservercentral.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=16191&FORUM_ID=19&CAT_ID=3

    This will give you an idea on how to reference the properties needed. All you'll need to do is wrap this script in a loop that iterates through each package on the server.

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


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