DTS & Input parameters

  • I need some help with a DTS package I am trying to design. Here is what I want to do: I have several dbase files that I want to load into a SQL table, simple. The files have no meaningful dates in them so I want to be able to enter in a SnapShotDate into the table. I figured out how to run a DTS package with the DTSRun command and specify a parameter with the /A switch. I can't figure out how to get that parameter I specify in to update the table. Any examples of anything similar to this or any suggestions as to how I can accomplish this? I tried doing a data driven query task but that is not quite what I want to do. I would appreciate any help you can offer.



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  • I figured out how to do this. I ended up creating a stored procedure with an input parameter and called it within the DTS. I said exec proc storedprocedure ? and set the ? to a global variable. I then run the package using the DTSRUN utility and pass the parameter using the /A switch. It works great. If anyone has any questions on this, let me know.


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