Dropping of key fields

  • We have an SQL2000 database, and I have a small Access 2002 .adp utility to do some management.

    Recently we have had a couple of cases of keys, and once identity properties, disappearing from fields in the SQL tables. The fields were still there, the key attribute has disappeared; in a couple of cases the identity property for the key field was also turned off so the auto increment did not work.

    A consultant claims this is a 'known bug' with Access and that I should never front end an SQL database with Access. I don't necessarily believe him.

    Does anyone know more about this?





    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • 1 - If this is a known bug then there must nbe a known cure.

    2 - Access was designed to work with SQL server (among other things). Aside from a few strange things hapenning once in a while (all curable from the access side) I have no problem matching sql server 2000 with access 2000.


    4 - Search those forums and/or ask your questions there :


  • On several occasions using the compact/repair utility in MS-Access 2000 (not JetComp) I have experienced the loss of a primary key. Compact repair rebuilds the table with all data intact, but just forgets to leave off the primary key. I don't know why, and see this happen on possibly 1% or less of compact / repairs, and then only to one of many tables in the database, never to more than one.

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