Drop Logins

  • Hi,

    can anyone post a script for droppping 100 logins at a time..

    Thanks in advance.


  • well, you'd have to have the list of logins first...

    lets assume you want to drop all logins on a given server, and not just 100 specific ones? is it 100 SQL logins, Windows logins, or everything? what about the matching USERS in each database? will you be stranding them if they exist?

    what you want to use is the metadata to build a list of all the desired commands, and then execute that script.

    take a look at the results of this SQL: that lists all the logins and roles on the server...some of them, obviously, you cannot drop.

    select * from sys.server_principals

    the example below only generates the list...it's up to you to go over the results, make the query more or less restrictive, and then copy/paste the final acceptable pieces after that:


    EXEC sp_droplogin mydomain\lowell;

    EXEC sp_droplogin bob;

    EXEC sp_droplogin Noobie;

    EXEC sp_droplogin APPADMIN;

    EXEC sp_droplogin APPUSER;

    EXEC sp_droplogin APPREADER;


    select 'EXEC sp_droplogin ' + name + ';' As TheCommand

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE type_desc in('SQL_LOGIN','WINDOWS_LOGIN')

    AND name NOT IN


    SELECT '##MS_PolicyTsqlExecutionLogin##' UNION ALL



    SELECT '##MS_PolicyEventProcessingLogin##'



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