Drive space checking monitoring procedure

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Drive space checking monitoring procedure

  • I liked the code sample. I cleand it up by removing unused/unneeded variables, unneeded columns and tightend up on the error and loopin logic. Hope you approve of the updates.

    set nocount on;


    @cmd nvarchar(130)

    , @drive char(1)

    , @freeMb int

    , @hResult int

    , @hWnd int

    , @MB int

    , @oDrive int

    , @totalSize bigint

    declare @drives table

    ( Drive char(1) not null primary key

    , FreeMb int not null

    , TotalMb int not null default (0)


    -- initialize the variables

    set @drive = '';

    set @MB = 1048576; -- conversion ratio for bytes to megabytes

    -- collect the attached Drives and FreeSpace

    insert @drives(Drive, FreeMb) exec master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives ;

    -- build the command to allow the creation/use of the FileSystemObject...

    set @cmd = '

    exec sp_configure ''show advanced options'', 1;


    exec sp_configure ''Ole Automation Procedures'', 1;


    exec sp_executeSql @cmd;

    -- create the FileSystemObject

    exec @hResult = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @hWnd out;

    -- proceed if sucessful creating the OLE Object...

    if @hResult = 0


    -- loop thru the drives and retrieve the total size...

    while exists ( select top 1 * from @drives

    where Drive > @drive )


    -- retrieve the next available drive...

    select top 1

    @drive = Drive

    , @freeMb = FreeMb

    from @drives

    where Drive > @drive

    order by Drive;

    -- get the Drive object and then read the TotalSize (in bytes) property

    exec @hResult = sp_OAMethod @hWnd, 'GetDrive', @oDrive out, @drive;

    exec @hResult = sp_OAGetProperty @oDrive, 'TotalSize', @totalSize out;

    -- update the drive...

    update @drives

    set TotalMb = @totalSize / @MB

    where Drive = @drive;


    -- destroy the FileSystemObject object...

    exec sp_OADestroy @hWnd;

    -- return the results...

    select Drive

    , MbTotal

    , MbFree

    , convert(decimal(4,1), (MbFree / convert(float, MbTotal,0)) * 100, 0)) as PercentFree

    from @drives

    order by Drive;


    -- disable OLE Automation...

    set @cmd = '

    exec sp_configure ''Ole Automation Procedures'', 0;


    exec sp_configure ''show advanced options'', 0;


    exec sp_executeSql @cmd;

    return @@error;

    --Paul Hunter

  • Great script, but unfortunately enabling ole automation procedures is a security risk for us so we can never run this type of disk drive script. Our drive space script is more crude and simply runs xp_fixeddrives. We then apply a hard threshold of free space, ie 50GB, regardless of drive size. It doesn't give us all of the drive information, but it's enough for us to respond to low drive space without us opening up ole automation procedures.


  • Thanks for the script.

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