Drinking the Kool-Aid

  • This is a direct quote from one of your posts earlier in the thread:

    ETL(extraction transformation and loading) is calculus and I just gave you two things you cannot do with a SELECT statement

    Please elaborate on how ETL is calculus. That's all I am asking.


    (The ultimate ETL tool is a SELECT statement. The ultimate BI tool is Excel. Just about everything else is a waste of money.)

    A SELECT statement is algebraically flawed so it is a mute point it can do calculus, here is what I know you can do with ETL transferring DB2 AS400 deposits to SQL Server on the web in real time, I helped a previous employer make 3000 excel spreadsheets disappear no human intervention required through automation in less than one hour can a SELECT statement do that? I don't think so.

    Relational algebra expert Chris Dates complains a SELECT returns a table.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • "Our conversation ended by you saying SAS is an over priced calculator, if you work for pharma your opinion is not relevant because about 30 pages of the 500 pages use case document is the raw calculus, that is for modifiying industry standard application developed with the tool vendor. SAS prediction libraries are FDA approved and Microsoft got 2005 SSAS approved."

    This makes no sense whatsoever. Are you running your native language through an mechanical translator?

    I make a wide allowance for non-native speakers of English, since I speak other languages and know how hard it can be. I wonder how many non-Americans caught the reference in the title of this thread. But Mr./Ms. Gift Peddie, you're writing gibberish. I'm done.

  • Thanks


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Glad to see I'm not the only one, Stephen.


    Ignorance and intolerance.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • if you create a Linked server to AS400 (which can be done) all you call ETL is a "SIMPLE" select query


    * Noel

  • Transaction is a unit of work a SELECT statement with linked server running for five hours?

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • A SELECT statement might qualify for the E part (extraction), but I agree with Gift Peddie that T-SQL doesn't really do the job.

    T-SQL and Excel can work in places, but they're definitely not the automated tool of choice if you're under load or have complex T (transformation) rules.

  • All I was trying to say is that with a SELECT statement you *can* import your AS400 data. How you do it, is up to you. But it is not impossible.


    * Noel

  • A bank IT manager cannot do a linked server with live deposits Microsoft actually works with banks to use just one or two accounts for all access to each database server.  When you write the possible code please share it.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Why couldn't a bank manager create a linked server from a SQL Server to an AS400 (containing the 'live' deposits) and then import them? There is no technical reason. There may be a political/security reason, but no technical reason.

    I link to 'live' data on an AS400 to retrieve data on a hourly basis, and the only thing keeping it from being more often is the lack of a business requirement for more frequent refreshes.

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