Drilldown feature not collapsing

  • Hi ALL,

    Our organization has turned to reporting service for publishing its reports and its been wonderful. The only pressing problem we have now is that for all our reports with drilldown features clicking on the + to collapse to the next level only takes you back up to the top level. Its as if its losing connection or losing report parameters or dont know????

    We have installed Reporting Service SP2 and tried using rs:SessionID but this hasnt solved this problem. Is there a fix to this or an explainationa as to why this is happening. Please help us

    We appreciate your kind assistance


  • Check your grouping properties->visibility->"visibility can be toggled by another report item" and choose the field of the group parent.

    forther more,you should check on  the grouping textbox field the "Advanced Textbox Properties -> visibilty ->Initial appearance of the toggle image... " that it set properly.

    just for learning & testing this issue you can use the report wizard taking the drilldown option and see the affect in the code.

  • Thanks for that..Firstly we are able to view the reports and use teh drill down features. Most of our reports have about 3 maximum levels to drill down. They are working with the drilldown features but sometimes when you want to go to level2 or 3 it just takes you back up to the root level. Its unpredictable and recently we almost cannot drill down to leve2 or 3.

    Hopefully someone can recognize this problem.


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