Do we need to restore atleast on log backup to set up Mirroring?

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to set up database mirroring.

    I restored the full backup of database db_name with NORECOVERY on Mirror server and then started the configuration of mirroring and it DIDN'T work.

    Then I restored the full backup of database db_name with NORECOVERY and then log backup of db_name with NORECOVERY on Mirror server . Now the mirroring set up works just fine.


    Do we MUST need to restore atleast one transaction log backup with NORECOVERY to set up mirroring? if yes, please direct me to the documentation where it says.


  • I tested restoring the full backup again and mirroring is working fine.

    So restoring t-log backup is NOT a MUST requirement


  • This Books Online

    Creating a new mirror database minimally requires taking a full backup of the principal database and a subsequent log backup and restoring them both onto the mirror server instance, using WITH NORECOVERY. The mirror database must be in the RESTORING state for mirroring to work.

    Also, before you can start mirroring, if any additional log backups are taken after the required log backup, you must manually apply every additional log backup, always by using WITH NORECOVERY. If a log backup job is scheduled to run very frequently on the database, you might have to disable the backup job until mirroring has started. After you apply the latest log backup, you can start mirroring and reenable the log backup job, if it is disabled.



    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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