Do I install SQL Server 2005 prior to adding it to the cluster?

  • I read these instructions

    But I wasn't clear if that process installed SQL on the second node, or if I had to do that seperately and the above process just added the node to the cluster.

    Any ideas?


  • I forgot to mention. This is for the second node. The first node is up and running.

  • install windows on each node

    hook up to common storage

    make volume for quorom disk

    install cluster on node1

    install cluster on node2 and add it to the cluster

    run tests to make sure both can see all disks and failover works

    failover to node1

    install sql on node1 making sure to specify clustered instance

    failover to node2

    install sql for the other instance if you are going to have active/active

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