Displaying time in 12 hour format

  • Hi All,

    I need to display time in 12 hour format.

    I got a solution for this as :

    select Ltrim(right(convert(char(19),getdate(),100),7))

    This gives time like 11:05AM , 12:08 PM etc.

    I want to use these time values for a graph. so, i need only 24 values:

    12 AM - 11PM

    i.e : 12 AM , 1AM ,2AM,3AM..........11PM ----> total 24 values.

    Can anyone help on this?

  • How about this ?



    END AS HourParam

  • there is a technique for using dateadd/datediff together to get the starting date/time for any given period..year,month,week, even hour.

    here's an example, giving you the begin hour and that same hour + 1: the rest for getting the time formatted is exactly what you posted...just substituting the equation for your getdate() in your example.

    hope this helps!


    (No column name)(No column name)(No column name)(No column name)

    2010-12-13 07:00:00.0002010-12-13 08:00:00.0007:00AM8:00AM


    --beginning of the current hour

    select DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh,0,getdate()), 0),

    DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh,0,getdate()) + 1, 0), --adding one hour to or previous value

    Ltrim(right(convert(char(19),DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh,0,getdate()) , 0),100),7)), --using your same trim/convert to get the hours you are after

    Ltrim(right(convert(char(19),DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh,0,getdate()) + 1, 0),100),7))


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  • Hi ColdCoffee,

    Thanks a lot for your reply. This works fantastically.

    I had tried this in a much harder way. Thanks again!!!

  • hi Lowell,

    Thanks for your reply.

  • malavika.ramanathan (12/13/2010)

    Hi ColdCoffee,

    Thanks a lot for your reply. This works fantastically.

    I had tried this in a much harder way. Thanks again!!!

    Thanks for the feedback , Malavika.. one caveat though, when the time is between 12 AM and 1 AM, the code will show as 0 AM.. to counter that, u can add another WHEN clause !

  • Ya i have added it!

    Thanks 🙂

  • Hi,

    Though i added another WHEN clause, i had a problem. I am still getting 0 AM.

    Can anyone please help?

  • Sorry i was not very clear.

    I am getting 12 AM TWICE if i try to use a case to change the 0 to 12.

    the query i am using now is :

    SELECT COUNT(id) as SessionCount

    ,CASE WHEN DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) = 0 OR DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) = 12 then '12 AM'

    WHEN DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) > 12 THEN CAST ( ( DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) % 12 ) AS VARCHAR) + ' PM'

    ELSE CAST ( ( DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) ) AS VARCHAR) + 'AM'

    END AS HourParam

    FROM telemetry

    but i want to do something which gives me only 24values: 12AM to 11PM.

    Can someone help?

  • malavika.ramanathan (12/20/2010)

    Sorry i was not very clear.

    I am getting 12 AM TWICE if i try to use a case to change the 0 to 12.

    the query i am using now is :

    SELECT COUNT(id) as SessionCount

    ,CASE WHEN DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) = 0 OR DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) = 12 then '12 AM'

    WHEN DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) > 12 THEN CAST ( ( DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) % 12 ) AS VARCHAR) + ' PM'

    ELSE CAST ( ( DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) ) AS VARCHAR) + 'AM'

    END AS HourParam

    FROM telemetry

    but i want to do something which gives me only 24values: 12AM to 11PM.

    Can someone help?

    It is because of your first WHEN: 12:20AM and 12:20PM will give you the same result as: 12AM.

  • Try this:

    SELECT COUNT(id) as SessionCount

    ,CASE WHEN DATEPART(HH, convert(varchar,DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh,0,timeuploaded), 0),120)) = 0 then '12 AM'

    WHEN DATEPART(HH, convert(varchar,DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh,0,timeuploaded), 0),120)) > 12 THEN CAST ( ( DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) % 12 ) AS VARCHAR) + ' PM'

    ELSE CAST ( ( DATEPART( HH , timeuploaded) ) AS VARCHAR) + 'AM'

    END AS HourParam

    FROM telemetry

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