Display Parameters in the header of a report

  • hey folks I'm sure this has already been asked and answered many times, but I was unable to find a decent solution.

    Here's the deal I have a multi value parameter where the users are allowed to check the select all checkbox. that selection list is populated from a query.

    Originally, I was showing this information to the users in the body of the report. This worked because I was able to use the following to show all selected making the list very short and manageable (They could select a lot of values)...

    ="Records: " & IIF(CountRows("Getrecords") = Parameters!Records.Count, "All records of the specified type", JOIN(Parameters!Records.Label,","))

    The POwers that be, decided they want this information in the header so that it appears on each page, however you can't use the CountRows function in the header. Anyone else have any ideas on how I can show ALL when all are selected in the headers?



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  • Hmmm... how about another parameter which is hidden, which has a default value of "select count(*) from ..." so that it returns the total number of possible options.

    Then you might be able to use this:

    ="Records: " & IIF(Parameters!TotalNumberOfOptions.Value = Parameters!Records.Count, "All records of the specified type", JOIN(Parameters!Records.Label,","))

    I've just tried it, and it seems to work.



  • Yup that did the trick. Hadn't thought of pre-populating a hidden one.

    Thanks muchly!


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