Display data by fiscal year instead of calendar year

  • You can make those huge case expressions much simpler, shorter, easier to maintain....

    'FY ' + cast((YEAR(Registrationdate) + MONTH(Registrationdate+2)/12) as varchar(10)) as FY,

    (MONTH(Registrationdate)+3) % 12 as FYMonth

  • There are four things to take away from this thread.

    1. Celko is right.

    2. Celko has a few runs on the board. He's better qualified to comment than most.

    3. A calendar table is like sex. If you're not loving it, you're not doing it right.

    4. If in doubt, see point 1.

    ...One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that ones work is terribly important.... Bertrand Russell

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