Disable "Database Maintenance Plan"

  • I had settled a "Database Maintenance Plan" for a daily backuping while I was building my site through IIS -- but, now, everything is already on the site. Then, I'll not use my "local" databases anymore.

    More: now, in "SQL Server Enterprise Manager", the option "Data Maintenance Planner" (under "Tools", when I click the server) is disabled: probably because my DB is already under the Host site.

    So, please help me:

    - HOW can I DISABLE (or DELETE) the "Data Maintenance Plan" in MY computer?

    Thanks since now.

    Dalton, Rio de Janeiro

  • Don't think you can disable it. If the login used in SQL Server register property doesn't have 'sa' privilege, you wouldn't see the maintenance plan wizard.

  • Allen

    The problem seems to be complex, but, that's strange, it is not: it's me who (actually) does everything in my site, and in my SQL db and tables: inclusions, updates, deletions, etc. So: ?

    Thanks since now


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