Disable AG after taking single availability DB offline?

  • Good morning,

    We had one of folks put in a request to have a database taken offline.

    This is the only database in an AG.  This, of course, made the AG unhealthy.  We receive alerts when an AG goes unhealthy.

    The plan was to keep the database offline for a week and then decommission the database and remove the AG.

    As far as I know, that isn't possible.  If you take the single database offline in an AG, you will cause that AG to go unhealthy.  I am not aware of a way to disable an AG, but keep the AG.

    If an AG has one database in the availability group and you take it offline, then you have to remove the AG.  If not, you will have an unhealthy AG and tons of alerts.

    Can anyone confirm this or is there a way to disable an AG and not remove it if it becomes unhealthy?

    I hope I properly outlined my question.






    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • WebTechie wrote:

    Good morning,

    We had one of folks put in a request to have a database taken offline.

    This is the only database in an AG.  This, of course, made the AG unhealthy.  We receive alerts when an AG goes unhealthy.

    The plan was to keep the database offline for a week and then decommission the database and remove the AG.

    As far as I know, that isn't possible.  If you take the single database offline in an AG, you will cause that AG to go unhealthy.  I am not aware of a way to disable an AG, but keep the AG.

    If an AG has one database in the availability group and you take it offline, then you have to remove the AG.  If not, you will have an unhealthy AG and tons of alerts.

    Can anyone confirm this or is there a way to disable an AG and not remove it if it becomes unhealthy?

    I hope I properly outlined my question.


    Create a bogus empty database, and add it to the AG to eliminate the errors.  Or, turn off the alerts until your work is finished.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
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