Dial-up replications - same domain?

  • Hi,

    I'm about to set up dial-up replication (via RAS, not Internet) and want to know whether or not both computers *have* to be in the same domain. A lot of people seem to say that it helps if both computers are in the same NT domain, but I'm wondering if this is essential, or just preferred.

    I would prefer to have the 2 servers as 2 different domains as that makes my network a bit easier to manage, but I can change it if I have to and before I roll it all out is probably the best time!!

    Any advice?


  • I haven't tried dialup, I do replicate across domains over a dedicated link. In our case we used a trust. I think the only issue you'll have is that you won't have the NT credentials so you'll have to use sql logins.



  • Someone else (in another forum) has told me that as long as I have the trusts between the domains I should be OK. I'm not certain how this works yet over dial-up though!

    Thanks for the feedback.

  • If you use SQL logins, not NT trusted security, then you don't have to be on a domain at all. As long as you have TCP/IP connectivity (with DNS, if necessary) between the servers, it will work fine. I have several mobile laptops using this method (dial-up from home, a hotel, etc.).

    Jay Madren

    Jay Madren

  • OK, cool, so it ought to work then.

    Now for the silly question ...

    How do I actually get to see the server over dial-up so I can setup the subscription? When I establish the dial-up link I can't see the server at the other end using Enterprise Mgr so I can't define the Pull subscription. Should I be able to just register it and it should just work?

    I know I'm missing something really dumb here!

    Thanks for the feedback so far.

  • Yes, you should be able to see the other server. First, try a simple ping test. Do you have DNS or WINS setup to resolve the server name to an address? If not, then you'll have to use the ip address instead of the name, or create an alias in the Client Network Utility.

    If the ping works, then you need to look at firewall/proxy issues, to make sure the port (1433 by default) is open.

    Jay Madren

    Jay Madren

  • (I replied to this before, but it looks like it got lost)

    I've managed to get the server registration happening via dial-up, but only via IP address, not by name. I can register the remote server as, but not as its computer name. I'm guessing this to be a DNS problem? Incidentally, I can't ping from the client, but I can ping the dial-up IP address I got assigned from the same machine. I can map network shares using the LAN IP though. Is this all normal?

  • Hmm... So you were able to register (and connect?) to the publisher in EM using the ip address, and map drives, but you can't ping it? Sounds like you may indeed have firewall or proxy issues (maybe ping is disabled).

    Like I said before, if you can connect to the publisher via ip address then you can create an alias name for it (its acutal name, if you like) in Client Network Utility.

    Jay Madren

    Jay Madren

  • I'm getting there!

    My test environment wasn't as well set up as it should have been with spurious and then missing LAN connections interfering with my dial-up configuration. Now that's all fixed, and thanks to your tips on the Client Network Utility, I can ping the dialled up server via its dial-up IP address and its local LAN IP address and I can register the server and connect to it using the alias I defined (its real name!).

    Now I'm left with a simple (I hope!) replication issue. I've created a Publication on Server A and defined server B as a subscribing server (I did that on server A). Then on server B, I dial-up server A and try to create a Pull subscription to the publication defined there. I can see the publication, but when I try to create the subscription (using EM and the wizard) it tells me that it can't create the named subscription because "... the publication does not allow named Pull subscriptions or because it is not a registered subscriber at server A."

    Unless I didn't register the subscriber properly, I figure it must be a problem with not allowing named Pull subscriptions. Is this something I have to specifically enable?

    I haven't tried anonymous subscriptions yet to see what that reveals.

  • Did you enable pull subscriptions in the publication? I think that's what it's referring to.

    Jay Madren

    Jay Madren

  • Yup, 'fraid so!

    (Presumably you're talking about the Properties dialog for the Publication,

    Subscription Options tab, "Allow Pull subscriptions")?

    If there's something else I need to do then feel free to point me there!

    (I'm currently setting up a LAN environment where I can test the same functionality. It used to work, but maybe I've missed something so I'm trying again)

  • is the login for the subscriber on the publication access list tab?

  • Yes, the login is defined.

    And in fact, I managed to get it working yesterday and today I'm madly documenting what I did! I think some irregularities in the way I had my test environment set up were the main problem, plus all the tips from here of course that made up for my ignorance!

    Thanks all.

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