Design schema

  • Hello everyone,

    I am new to this design project and I need a plan or basic flow idea for one of my project.

    I should design a orders table, below are the details it should have in it.

    1.Item ( name or item num), must be unique.

    2.Customer name ( their should be single customer for a order)

    Note: their can be zero or more items in an order.

    My views to design above table:

    1. Customers table

    Name, Id, description,cost

    2. Item_info

    Item_id, name, description, cost

    But I am not clear about order table

    To pop up cutomerid and itemid, I can make use of Foergin key constraint from above tables.

    I have no idea how should I take care of different items to be logged into table.

    I know, there are things I am not clear about, But will sure address ur questions.

    Please let me know. Thank you

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  • What is the cardinality between two tables.

    If M:M then use a juncture table.

  • What are the other items? And how do they relate, if at all?

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