Deleting Public Permissions from Master Dataase

  • Hey,

    So I am trying to delete all the public permissions from my database. All my code works fine and I cant delete most of the thousand + Select and Execute permissions execpt for 26. Its telling me that they don't exist or I don't have permissions ... clearly they exist. Something I read suggested that you must enable 'Allow modifications to be made directly to the system catalogs'. However, I cant seem to find a way to implement this in the SQL? Would someone know how to do this?


  • first, deleting all public permissions from master could cause you issues. There are procs in that that a normal user might need to access.

    Second, what is "26"? What code are you trying to run?

  • 26 is ther number of Object permissions that I cant delete. There is a set number every time that it is installed I was hoping, it might help. Im running this in SQL Server Management studio Express. Im not worried about the side effects.


  • Just noting that Lowell answered this question nicely on another thread by falcon59x.

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