• andrew,

    Maintenance Plans are fine but they will not do what these scripts do. These scripts allow you to keep a specific number sets of backups (a set being a full backup and all subsequent differential and log backups). The Maintenance Plans allow you to delete old backups based upon a time frame (days/weeks), at least that was true in SS 2000 and I haven't found anything different yet in 2008.


  • I used to backup log files using append with the Date built into the filename. That way I had one file per day and could programtically figure out the filename from x days ago and easily delete using xp_cmdshell. Worked fine. Now I include the Date & Time in my backup file names and use the vbs script below to maintain my backup files. I don't have to know what the file names are. I have this as one of the steps in my backup job. This script will delete all files ending with .bak over 30 days old from whatever folder you want.

    Option Explicit

    Dim fldrspec, fso, f, fc, fldr, sf, sfc, sfldr

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set fldr = fso.GetFolder("\\MyServer\MyFolder")

    Call FileList(fldr)

    Set fso = Nothing

    Set fldr = Nothing

    Sub FileList(fldr)

    Dim dfso, df, df1, dfc, delfile, theDate, x

    Set dfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set df = dfso.GetFolder(fldr)

    Set dfc = df.Files

    For Each df1 in dfc

    theDate = df1.DateLastModified

    If RegExpTest( = True and DiffDate(theDate) = True Then

    Set delfile = dfso.GetFile(df1)


    End If


    Set dfso = Nothing

    Set df = Nothing

    Set df1 = Nothing

    Set dfc = Nothing

    Set delfile = Nothing

    Set theDate = Nothing

    Set x = Nothing

    End Sub


    ' We only want to delete files that end with ".BAK"

    Function RegExpTest(strng)

    Dim regEx, retVal

    Set regEx = New RegExp

    regEx.Pattern = ".BAK"

    regEx.IgnoreCase = true

    retVal = regEx.Test(strng)

    If retVal Then

    RegExpTest = true


    RegExpTest = false

    End If

    Set regEx = Nothing

    Set retVal = Nothing

    End Function


    ' File must be older than 30 days to qualify

    Function DiffDate(theDate)

    If DateDiff("d", theDate, Now) > 30 Then

    DiffDate = True


    DiffDate = False

    End If

    End Function

  • THE-FHA (4/14/2010)

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'D:\BackupFolder',N'BAK',@DelDate, 1

    LET'S SAY I WANT TO DELETE TODAYS BACKUP just to test if you script works.

    send me your code.

    One more thing do i put the backup and with its extention 'xxxx.bk` or just the backupname?

    So I'm guess the original poster has abandoned his post since last reply is from 04/14?

    Anyway the xp_delete_file is an undocumented procedure that came around in SQL 2000 (I think). It will only work in deleting BAK and TRN files. So if your backups are done with a BK file extension (reminds me of Burger King:hehe:) this procedure will not work for you. You should consider using some of the other scripts mentioned in this post.

    As well the fact that this is an undocumented procedure the caveat to using it: it may not exist in future releases of SQL Server (although it still exist in SQL 2008:w00t:. I just take it as you may not get full support from Microsoft if you break something by using it).

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

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