decrypt to date datatype

  • I accidentally used date data type (rather than datetime) to encrypt a column. As I understood from online research, that necessarily entailed conversion to varbinary(200) to begin with, then encrypt.

    Now I need to decrypt it:select convert(varbinary(200), decryptbykey(encrypteddate)) myvarbincol from mytable.. works fine,

    but when I try to convert it back to date:select convert(date,convert(varbinary(200), decryptbykey(encrypteddate))) mydatecol from mytable.. it yells at me, and I can't use it to insert or update my destination columns.Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

    Any way to get this into a datetime without starting over?

  • closing this out and trying msdn

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